The Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve is conveniently situated. It is only 10 km from the center of Johannesburg, 5 km from Soweto and 25km from Sandton.
Furthermore, it is the largest proclaimed nature reserve in the Johannesburg Metropolitan area (over 700 ha. in extent). The reserve boasts a surprising diversity of interests. Some of which are larger game such as zebra, red hartebeest, and black wildebeest. There are also items of botanical, geological, archaeological, historical and cultural interest. Red data listed and other protected species are also to be found.
Another interesting face, the Reserve is rated by many as a birding hotspot where approximately 230 bird species have been identified.
Hiking is the main activity in the Reserve.
For the outdoor enthusiast, a visit to the Reserve is not to be missed. First time visitors are surprised at this beautiful natural asset so close to the hubbub of the city. It is very aptly referred to as Johannesburg’s Jewel of the South.
The Klipriviersberg Nature Reserve is listed by GDARD (Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development) in the Gauteng C-plan Database as a critical Bio-diversity area.
There is no entrance fee.
The Reserve is open to the public from sunrise to sunset seven days a week – please ensure that you are out of the reserve by the closing time on the gate.